The result of continuous R&D and technological innovation, the natural binder in Pietra di Venezia® was born in the Venetian lagoon area, it replaces lime, cementitious or resin-based products, overcoming their limits.

Renovating without demolishing

Terrazzo Ducale® flooring can be made with a low thickness depending on the grain size of the aggregates used (even <1 cm). Its particular composition allows to create terrazzos and spreads Venetian-style without demolishing the existing floors. The megalite®-based binder in Pietra di Venezia® is totally free from polymers and cements.

No shrink-no crack

In recent years, a new renaissance has begun for the Venetian floor. Recognized as an artistic and cultural product of our territory while maintaining the value of tradition, it is well suited to the creation of modern and trendy environments. Magnesia which is its main component allows the creation of monolithic surfaces that do not crack and do not require expansion joints. For info: